For Newcomers

Ascension Memorial Church is a parish community small enough to be known by name yet large enough to offer a variety of programs designed to engage and stir hearts and minds of all ages. We are a kind, questioning and inclusive mixture of people seeking to live our lives in wholehearted response to the curious love God has for us in Christ Jesus. Our tradition is Episcopal, which means we are both reformed and catholic. By creatively weaving tradition and change together, we are both grounded in traditional Christianity and open to new ways of discerning, expressing, and practicing our faith. The community is more than receptive to the gifts that newcomers bring to our life together. These gifts are valued and essential in allowing our community to evolve in ever new and unexpected ways, making us fully alive in Christ.

Schedule of Services

Sunday Services:

  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Service of Holy Eucharist Rite I (followed by Coffee Hour in the Parlor)

  • 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM - Service of Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Choir (followed by Coffee Hour in the Parlor)

Weekday Services:  

  • Wednesday - 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM - Holy Silence/Holy Communion offers a 15-minute period of silent meditation followed by communion and healing rite.

  • Tuesday thru Friday - Online with the Rector - Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM

  • Friday - 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM - Meditation


Click here to see the AMC Online page for LIVE STREAMING OF ALL SERVICES

Sunday Services are also broadcast on the ICAM Public Channel
Comcast CH. 9 and Verizon Ch. 33
Tuesday at 5pm
Wednesday at 2pm
Friday at 4:30pm

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I meet with the Rector? Our Rector, The Rev. Bradford Clark, can be reached at 978-471-9225 (cell phone) or

Which service should I attend?

Our 8:00 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist is a quieter, more traditional liturgy attended mostly by adults, followed by a time of conversation and refreshments in the St. Matthew’s Parlor.

Our 10:15 a.m. Service of Holy Eucharist offers a more contemporary liturgy supported by the Ascension Church Choir. Conversation and refreshments in St. Matthew’s Parlor following the service provides members of the parish a chance to introduce themselves to newcomers and field questions. The 10:15AM service switches to a 9:30AM starting time during the summer months - mid June to early September.

Sundays at 5 is a half-hour-long service featuring an innovative and creative approach to worship featuring music, poetry, readings and reflections drawn from a wide variety of traditions and sources, both ancient and modern. Youth-focused but open and appealing to all ages. Followed by Pizza in the Parlor. Click here to see more about Sundays at 5.

Can I receive Holy Communion?
As was the practice of Jesus, Ascension Memorial Church practices open table fellowship, offering a place at the table for all who wish to share in the spirit and life of Jesus. If you wish to join the congregation in receiving communion, by all means, you are welcome to do so.

What do I need to believe in order to attend Ascension Memorial Church?
Episcopalians are people of common prayer. There are no requirements to profess belief in any particular statement of faith. Come with curiosity and a willingness to share worship with others guided by a common order of prayer.

How does Ascension Memorial Church fund its operations?
Ascension Memorial Church relies primarily on the financial pledges of our members to fund our life and ministries. Funds received from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts are limited to occasional grants received and earmarked for special projects. Our Annual Report with detailed financial information is available to anyone upon request. We conduct an annual financial audit and are fortunate to have highly professional volunteer lay leaders serving as Co-Treasurers, and as members of our Finance and Endowment Committees.

Will I be asked to donate money?
There are no financial requirements or membership fees for belonging to Ascension Memorial Church.

I am spiritual not religious, will I feel comfortable at Ascension Memorial Church?
You will find yourself in good company. You will not be asked to conform your life to some oppressive system of belief. Rather, you will be invited to explore perspectives and practices for bringing depth and meaning to your life. You may want to begin by speaking directly with the Rector, the Rev. Bradford Clark.

Do I have to volunteer a lot of time in order to attend Ascension Memorial Church?
There are no requirements to volunteer, but there are many opportunities to do so.

Are there special events for Newcomers?
We host Newcomer Dinners annually to welcome and help integrate newcomers into the life of the parish. The Rector also offers an “Episcopal Church 101” session annually as an introduction to the Episcopal Church and in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation or Reception.

How do I dress?
We are relaxed and informal, especially during the summer. You need not dress up on our account.

Where do I park and is AMC handicap accessible?
There is a parking lot directly across County St. from the church. We are also handicap accessible.