Women’s Group
A number of women at Ascension are looking for greater opportunities to share the good company of fellow women. We are reaching out in an effort to connect more with women of all ages in our community. While this group is connected to Ascension, we aim to bring together a multi-generational group not only to inspire each other, but to form friendships and a greater sense of community.
Currently, we are walking on Saturday mornings at 10AM. We meet at different locations, so please let us know if you would like to be part of our group, so we can be sure you get the weekly information. Contact amcipswich@verizon.net with your name, phone and email. Looking forward to seeing you.
We also meet via Zoom every other week on Thursday evenings at 7PM (check the AMC calendar).
Please join us at Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89283077023?pwd=N2tqS0lrclF2RndCUTdwZ0R5eDk5dz09
Meeting ID: 892 8307 7023, Passcode: 883284